About Bone Regeneration
Periodontal gum disease has been found to cause bone loss around the teeth. This common occurrence often increases the patient’s chances for tooth loss. Once teeth are lost, the structure of the jaw bone will begin to deteriorate overtime. This bone loss can cause patients to feel discomfort when using partial or complete dentures. Board-certified dentist, Dr. Todd McCracken at Laser Smile Studio in Denton, TX offers a solution for this type of bone loss, with guided bone and tissue regeneration. Guided bone regeneration is an innovative process which helps to stimulate the growth of bone that was once deteriorating due to tooth loss and gum disease.
The Benefits of Regeneration
There are a large number of reasons why guided bone and tissue regeneration is a recommend procedure for patients with tooth and bone loss. The benefits extend beyond the cosmetic appeal of preventing further tooth loss. Benefits of guided bone regeneration include:
- The reduced necessity for costly tooth restorations
- The increased comfort of prosthetics such as partial and full dentures
- The reduction of further bone and tissue loss
- The reduction of future tooth loss
- The regeneration of bone and tissue in the periodontal cavity
What to Expect
Guided bone and tissue regeneration is a dental surgical procedure, often using barrier membranes to stimulate the growth of new bone in places where loss has caused insufficient volume. This process may be recommended for the proper function of prosthetics such as dentures. Many guided bone regeneration options include the use of membrane barriers for growth stimulation, but occasionally, bone grafting procedures may be required. Bone grafts can be performed using your own bone, bone from tissue banks, or other synthetic materials. Whatever the method, the ultimate goal is to stimulate the growth of new bone.
Treatment Aftercare
Complete healing after a bone and tissue regeneration procedure could take up to six months. During this time, it is of the utmost importance that patients maintain good oral hygiene. A good oral care routine and closely following Dr. McCracken’s aftercare directions can increase the likelihood that the procedure will be successful and healing swift. There is a decreased likelihood that guided bone regeneration will be successful in patients with poor oral hygiene as well as in patients who smoke excessively. Patients can contribute to the success of their therapy by closely following recommendations given by Dr. McCracken after the procedure.
Schedule Your Consultation
Though tooth and bone loss resulting from periodontal gum disease is a common occurrence, patients do not have to suffer from the repercussions any longer. Dr. McCracken and our staff here at Laser Smile Studio care about our patient’s present and future oral health. If you, or someone you know is suffering from periodontal gum disease, tooth loss and jaw bone deterioration, and ill-fitting partial or complete dentures, we urge you to contact our office today. Our helpful staff can answer questions, schedule you a consultation with Dr. McCracken and help you on your way towards recovery. Call us today.