About Cancer Screenings
During a regular dental examination, our board-certified dental physician, Dr. Todd McCracken, will check for signs and symptoms of oral cancer. Recent studies have shown that many lifestyle choices can cause oral cancer, so patients who smoke or drink excessively should be sure to schedule their dental exams on a once yearly basis. If you would like to schedule your dental exam, contact our office today.
What to Expect
Taking only a couple minutes of your appointment time, the oral screening is fast and painless. Dr. McCracken will be using his fingers inside of your mouth, checking the surface of the skin for any bumps or abnormal soft tissue textures in addition to the visual search. If any areas are of concern, Dr. McCracken may schedule a biopsy to excise the tissue for further testing.
Treatment Aftercare
Men and women over the age of 18 should have an oral cancer screening at least once a year. If you use any type of tobacco products regularly, have a family history of oral cancer, or see a lesion in your mouth, you should make it a priority to have an oral screening at Laser Smile Studio regularly.
We use the latest in oral health technology to diagnose patients to give more treatment options and a better oral health. We hope you will consider our office a trusted, comprehensive dental practice where you can get the services and screenings needed for optimal health. Call and schedule your appointment today.