About Dental Sealants
Dental sealants protect against tooth decay and cavities on a patient's back teeth, which are the most vulnerable to decay and cavities. Although sealants can typically be applied at any age, to best protect the teeth, Laser Smile Studio, in Denton, TX recommends that they are sealed when the permanent teeth first arrive, which is typically 11-14 years of age. To place a sealant, our board certified dentist, Dr. Todd McCracken will first apply a dental adhesive to the teeth. After the adhesive is applied, Dr. McCracken will place the sealant over the adhesive, essentially painting it onto the tooth. As the adhesive and sealant begin to dry, they will harden, creating a barrier between the teeth and food, bacteria, or plaque. With the proper care of your sealants, including regular dental exams and cleanings, as well as a good at-home oral hygiene routine, sealants can last about 10 years.
What to Expect
Getting sealants is a fast, easy process that can usually be done without any anesthesia or sedation. Before the sealants are applied, the patient's teeth will be cleaned and polished to prevent plaque, tartar, and bacteria from being sealed into the tooth. Next, the tooth will be gently etched where the sealant will be placed, then rinsed, and dried. Once the tooth is prepped, clean, and dry, Dr. McCracken will brush on the dental sealant and use a special light for about 30 second to set the sealant. After all the sealant has been applied and cured, the dentist will check the sealant to ensure the patient has full coverage and the sealant is hardened.
Treatment Aftercare
With proper care, including good home oral care and regular check ups at Laser Smile Studio, sealants can last up to 10 years. Our dental team will check the integrity and wear of the sealants at every dental exam and let the patient know when it is time for the sealants to be re-applied. Patients should continue to brush their teeth at least twice a day, as well as protecting the sealants by avoiding stress on the teeth (grinding the teeth, using the teeth to open packages, etc.) While sealants are best for young children and teenagers, some adults may continue to get sealants if they are prone to cavities.
Insurance Coverage
Insurance companies usually cover the cost of dental sealants for children and teenagers, but some cover adults as well. Our front office will contact your insurance company to get the details of your coverage. If your insurance does not cover your sealants, our office does have payment plans and the cost of sealants is generally less than a filling or other repair.
Delay Decay
Children, teenagers, and adults can all benefit from the protection of dental sealants on their back teeth with a fast, easy procedure. To avoid cavities and tooth decay, dental sealants can be a great option for patients who want better dental exams. Although they can't be seen or felt, dental sealants combined with home oral care can give you a better, healthier smile.